Episode 8, "The Ex Factor". This week: James' final episode on the show. Sniff! In fact, it's today (US time) or tomorrow (my time). I'm almost not feeling like watching it because I want to savour this - yet it sounds like a really interesting episode, so I will probably be squeeing tomorrow. I hope.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the whole "Grant quits smoking" storyline and his indulgent side; I love the gentlemand and womanizer side too. But what I've wanted to see is some kind of deeper essence or history to him, and here we finally get that. Thank the gods. This was also a consistently good episode, which I enjoyed even outside of the James stuff. It's true of only a couple of episodes - Founder's Day, The New World, and Crossing Over, specifically. So I've ended up enjoying half of the episodes so far. It's really much better than I had expected.
Now for Fargo's barbecue. He's jamming to the music, which is hilarious, like almost everything Neil Grayston does:

Later, the device is tested. Grant comes to take a look, and when Zane expresses concern, he agrees. Nobody else seems to care though.

Grant approaches Allison. I loved this scene so much. Their dynamic is a bit different than in Crossing Over - now Grant has the moral high horse and she has to respect that and really defend her view.

Allison: "The DED device?"
Grant: "Well, see you're doing it as well now."
Allison: "Doing what?"
Grant: "Avoiding calling it a weapon."
Allison says this is "a DOD facility". (DOD = Department of Defense"?)
Grant: "Yeah, but it shouldn't be, it's not what I... It's not how we envisioned the place to be."
The pain on his face - is it because his friend is dead, or because he feels so bad about this military Eureka? Either way, it's very touching. Grant is passionate about what he believes in. I love this character so much.
Allison: "I distinctly remember being in 1947 and seeing more soldiers than scientists."
Grant: "That was right after the war! We were trying to get this place off the ground!"
Allison: "So you think we should just scrap the whole project?"
Grant: "I think science should be about discovery, not about who can build the biggest gun!"
OMG, I loved this. There are two points of view here, both presented in an intelligent way. Neither one is condescending; Allison is listening to his views respectfully. The best part: this doesn't read like TV talk, it seems like genuine dialogue. It's a conversation. Bravo!
Allison explains that without things like the "device", they couldn't get funding for things like cancer cures. The nanobots, like Allison reminds him, saved Trevor's life too.
Allison: "I didn't realize we were arguing."
Grant: "I'll let you get back to your work."
Here's a non-James scene I liked so much that I wanted to include it. Because of an energy surge-whatever, everyone who was at the barbecue is seeing a hallucination. A person from their past life, someone they have unresolved issues with. This is the scene where they realize they're hallucinating.

Allison sees Carter's ex Tess, and Carter sees Allison's dead husband, Nathan.

Vince: "What can I get you two?"
Allison and Carter: "...."
Carter: "Do you see someone sitting there?"
Allison: "I see Tess sitting there."
Vince: "Uh.. huh... eh..." *leaves*
Heee! This was a great scene. I loved this hallucination plot overall. It was well executed and fun.

He suggests shutting down the whole device, because the risks are too high. But the military guy shows up and tells him to go catalogue some books, since he's just a librarian. Oo, burn. -Hey, wait, there's nothing wrong with being a librarian! I don't seem to have any screenshots of Military Guy, but this post is already so big.. OK, just moving on. I'll mention his name though: General Mansfield, played by Barclay Hope.
Grant meets Beverly Barlowe again, and we get to his hallucination: his old friend Adam Barlowe.
Grant: "I did. Seems the department of Defense is calling the shots. Douglas Fargo is a good man, but GD needs someone who can stand up to that."
Barlowe: "Eureka used to have a leader like that."
Grant: "Times have changed. I'm nobody now. I don't even have a name."
Barlowe: "We could give you that voice again, Dr Grant."
I really love the dialogue in this episode. Strong, to the point, dramatic but not overly so.

"You're lucky to be alive," Fargo says. But he's luckier than that - no one guesses he caused this.
On to another great scene between Grant and Allison. She's healing his hand with some kind of... futuristic Eureka device.

Adam: "Sure, with you she's gentle. Me, she kick starts with jumper cables." Heee! I love that he referred to the first episode. I didn't recognize him as the same guy, actually, so it's a good thing he did.
Allison asks if Grant's hurting, since he's shaking.
"I'm fine," he says in a hoarse voice. "Never better." Aww, 40's macho man.
Adam: "You did the right thing, doc." The other's hallucinations are kinda taunting and haunting, and his is much nicer. Which is a nice departure from HeadSix.

Hallucination-Tess tells Allison: "Look at him! He is adorable. A gentleman and he's safe." In the earlier scene she said, "Seriously, you haven't hit that?" Which is awesome, and yes, the viewers wonder about this too.

Allison: "What about you? You were at the barbecue. You haven't said anything about who you're seeing."
Adam: "The guy whose life she saved sixty years ago."
Grant: "Tall leggy blonde, slinky red ress." (L)!!!
Allison: "An old girlfriend?"
Grant: "I could tell you about her, over drinks..." but then Carter walks in and his Hallucinatory Nathan goes, "Who the hell is this?" Heee!
Grant: "I could tell you about her, over drinks..." but then Carter walks in and his Hallucinatory Nathan goes, "Who the hell is this?" Heee!
I loved loved loved the BSG reference. I was hoping he'd refer to Gaius at some point. What I like most about it is that it was done subtly, and not in a way that shouts "I PLAYED GAIUS BALTAR IN BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!" Very organic and fitting for the episode. Good job, James. And writers.
And look at them smile at each other!

But who could it be? Someone in the inside must have helped them out. Grant looks suitably guilty but nobody notices...

1 comment:
One of my favorite eps of this season! Thanks as always for the picspam and recap.
(waits anxiously for tonight's episode)
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