Yes, I'm still thinking about the donuts and James' - admittedly rather miniscule - weight changes stemming therefrom (see
this post, section 'Donuts, guts thereof, and sex scenes'). Good sides: I am very happy; I'm totally over the fat girl in
Beginner's Luck thing (if he's that relaxed about weight, he's okay). Bad sides: there's absolutely nothing online about James and donuts, other than the links I've already posted. Or if there is, it's not available on any Google search I can think of. So I think I'm going to have to give up this obsession and return to his chest hair, his hair in general, his smoking, his cheeks (or lack thereof), his kindness, his humor, his talent... Well, I must admit there's a lot to obsess over when it comes to James Callis.
I thought I could at least use my obsession for the benefit of the other fans by posting a little eye candy (or in this case, eye donuts) - a couple of James' belly screenshots from the show. For those who don't know me, I have a great appreciation for fat and this post is not meant to ridicule James' physique in any way. I'm just really horny right now. All screenshots by me.

Season 2,
Lay Down Your Burdens: Part 2, deleted scene. Fairly small, but there is some protuberance that can be detected.

Season 3,
Torn. Slightly bigger here. Note the way his hair is divided - lots on the chest, nothing on the belly, and then that bit below his bellybutton where he has a bit of fuzz going down to other... regions...

Season 4,
He That Believeth in Me. I can't decide if it's the same size or bigger than in the
Torn pictures, but it... drool...
I must admit I lack an understanding of the male physique, since I've spent my life staring at women. So what's the verdict - is it muscles or donuts or both? Either way, it's looking pretty damn hot.
He looks like a guy with whom I could indulge in hamburger orgies. I'm not a fan of donuts, but there's something sensual about eating food that is difficult to eat without making a mess of yourself, and with lots of juicy meat. Mmm. :D
Men have weird bodies indeed. Women are usually better, but James is one of those lovely exceptions.
You know, it's funny how your sensible and witty blog has suddenly become all about overflowing libido. :P No offense, but I wonder if James would blush if he read some of those things. :D The price of celebrity?
Mmmmmm, indulging in harmburger orgies with James. Fat dripping off his tummy. Drool!!! I... *slaps self repeatedly*
I'm hoping that if James reads, he'd only be flattered and reassured about his looks. He sounded kind of self-conscious in some of the googlebits, so maybe he needs to hear this stuff.
Or maybe he'd be horrified at what horny drooling fangirls he has. :D But I've noticed he likes to talk about sex a LOT - especially at cons. Maybe he's quite horny himself. Either way, I'm trying to get back to normal posting, really. I was expecting this to go down a bit faster, but it hasn't. Not that I complain...
Actually... *debating whether I should mention this*... I have another fetish that Gaius Baltar very much satisfies, and it made me VERY horny last summer. The thing is, no one probably guesses it's a sex thing bc talking about it makes you sound very psychological and philosophical indeed. It's to do with his emotional state. I'm not going to spell out what it is, but I have a label for it in some posts. :P
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